Wednesday 8 March 2017

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Takes Its Third Step


I seemed to have managed to let myself get side-tracked from my great adventure..but no worries..I’m baaaaaaaaack!!!
So I found this website and this fella is amazingggggg.. I mean, I’m pretty sure there are other highly helpful travel blogs which I have yet to discover, but this guy has like suuuuuuuuper easy to use drop-down lists of how to get where cheap. Remember that I was planning on getting that Rail Pass? Well, I don’t see any harm in doing some math with just how much difference it would make if I bought one by one tickets (using the Global Rail Pass itinerary as a reference). Especially since I do kinda like the itinerary suggested (though it sounds kinds packed and like a lot to do in so little time)
Anyhow, let’s do some math:
From To Cheapest train (approx.)(in Euros)
Paris Amsterdam 35
Amsterdam Berlin 39
Berlin Prague 29
Prague Vienna 19
Vienna Salzburg *haven’t found this train yet*
Salzburg Venice 39
Venice Florence 19
Florence Rome 19 (but I should also consider getting an Italy Rail Pass or something)
Rome Monaco/Cannes About 20 (has to be divided into two trains which I haven’t found)
Monaco Barcelona *Haven’t found this train yet*
Barcelona Paris 59
    Total: 278
These were more or less the destinations I would have gotten from the Global Pass which was priced at 375 to which I subsequently discovered there were unincluded compulsory reservation fees.
Now the above calculations were estimates of the lowest fares I could get. Unfortunately, most of them require early bookings, which means I’ll be tied to a schedule. I’m not quite sure if I want that. I mean, what if I get lost or forget or something?
However, the grand total of this point-to-point ticket calculation is approx. 278 euros; which is almost 100 euros difference. Also take into consideration that this point-to-point bookings already include the seat reservations and shouldn’t cost any extra charges. For someone who is on a tight shoestring, this is a lot to consider!
So it’s back to the drawing board. Like my friend said, it will be a busy few months for me. But the trip is definitely going to happen. The trip is paid for… cash!!!!
Oh, and I found that is a great site if you’re looking for cheap hostels to stay in!! I found dirt cheap hostels like half cheaper than hostelworld. But again, I haven’t booked anything yet. Still googling and reading up on a lot.
For any of you out there clueless on how to even start, perhaps my list of rantings might help you see that it’s perfectly ok to be a bit overwhelmed. Slow and steady, and plan early.
It’s gonna happen =)

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