Thursday 28 May 2015

...and I meant each and every one!

"If you don't stop............................I will leave, go to the market, buy a raw fish, come back, and slap you with it!"
(this is unsettling because I hate going to the market, have never bought raw fish, driving is such a hassle and parking is almost impossible to find. Plus, I hate touching raw fish)

"If you don't stop............................I will hang you over a boiling pot. And my pot, is big!"
(and then some poor child will raise their hand asking where I keep my pot)

"If you don't stop............................I will cut off the beard of an old man, shove it in your mouth, and force you to swallow it!"
(may the wisdom of the old man that was in his beard be with you. Poor old man whose beard gets cut off, though)

"If you don't stop............................I will sit on you!"
(I have no idea why this is so terrifying to them. But it works!)

"If you don't stop............................I will put my foot, in your mouth. And my toes, are long *wiggles fingers in threatening manner*!"
(He was ok until the part I mentioned the long toes. After that, mere wiggling of fingers with a menacing look deterred him from his rascally ways)

"If you don't stop............................I will gather all the socks that are here, and make you sniff each one. And those socks have been inside shoes for hours with sweaty feet!"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....the joys of teaching.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

In my own world

Where I am Goldilocks, babysat by three bears.

Where I am righteous, and fight for the salvation of our future.

Where colours make sounds, and sounds have flavours.

Where I am sometimes a princess, and sometimes a queen.

Where dragons and demons are real, tangible, and tameable.

This is my world, this is my reign.

Sunday 10 May 2015

This is why I love (2)

Last week I taught Group B, but at the request of the school teacher I swapped (permanently) to Group A. The reason for the request was that Group A was "harder to handle".

After the class...

Girl from Group B: Miss, will you be teaching us next week?

Me: Well, you'll have to be here to find out.

Girl from Group B: ...but I want you to teach us..

Boy from Group A: Nope... we stole her!

Girl from Group B (to boy): You thieves!

(Girl turns to friend, also in Group B): We must be naughty!

Help! My heart!

Monday 4 May 2015

I dreamed a dream in cheese....

I dreamt that a friend was talking to the office we used to work together at. Of course, because dreams are dreams, the office didn't look quite the same as how it actually is.

As we talked, she had a pack of cheese with her. Unopened. Cheddar cheese. Not the usual 5-slice type. This was much bigger than that.

As we were talking, somehow I opened her pack of cheese, and took a slice. The cheese slices were in a carton; which is again a sign that this was a dream because cheese in my country is not sold in cartons.

For some bizarre reason, I convinced her that that cheese was not hers, but in fact, mine. Bear in mind this was not a friend who generally minded sharing a little bit of food with another friend.

Eventually that friend left, to attend to work. So I set out to buy her a new pack of cheese. I searched high, I searched low; for a pack of cheese to give my friend Flo.

But a pack of cheese I couldn't this very friend, I had to leave behind.

The end.

No, I will not.

I've come to that point where I'm questioning all I'm doing. Perhaps it is the absence of having short bursts of flavour in my life.

How do I remain motivated?

How do I keep myself from drowning in these petty shallow pools of indulgences and procrastination?

How do I keep sight of what I am fighting for, just as the trees grow too tall and block my view?

Saturday 2 May 2015

I have got to stop messing up my tickets..

Not only have I managed to book tickets, then arrive late, at the wrong theatre, at the wrong mall....

I have also booked impossible 6am train tickets which for some unknown reason I had convinced were for 9am. I only realized this at midnight before boarding the train.

Friday 1 May 2015

It is they who make it all worthwhile.

"Miss, your voice is so lovely. How do I train mine so it's as lovely as yours when I grow up?"

"Was I a very nice toad for you, miss?"

"Did you like my chicken sounds, miss? May I be the chickens?"

Help, my heart!!