Friday 17 January 2014

Unsettled waters and broken dams.

It is not your fault. You didn’t know. However, now that you do, the onus is upon you to ensure that nothing forthwith presents itself as an occurrence. Question here lies, do you or do you not have the capacity to decline any future advances? Now that you have the knowledge of how things stand, now that you have seen first-hand the atrocity of the circumstances, will you proceed with your fallacies?


To feel as such as you do is perfectly acceptable; however, you must understand that it is not the prior conduct that matters here; it is the future ones. Do you have the courtesy, or shall I say, the nobility of doing the right thing? Yes, there is a certain convenience of maintaining things as they are; but bear in mind that this is no longer a matter concerning only two carcasses – it is of (at least) a few generations of various ages, health conditions, and temperaments.


Whatever joys you derived prior to this revelation, take it as a pleasure that has been had. Treasure the experience and move on. Hard as it may be, it is the right thing to do. Bless their souls and wish them the best; for they have truly no sins against you. Do not commit any against them.


Recognize the chill that rushed through your spine and rendered your limbs useless for a few moments. Remember the frozen feeling of your fingertips as it rapidly tried to concur what evidence you have stumbled upon. Understand that it is nothing compared to the pain and agony that you will unleash should you not proceed on the right path. Do not be that person. Of all the mistakes to be made, this is not one you should. It is not only you this time.


Of all things, experience has given you the displeasure of feeling first-hand what betrayal feels like. You know what it is like to know that two people you knew, trusted, and cared for went behind your back and stabbed your heart with an icy dagger. You know exactly how that feels. You know exactly how much more it hurts when he went for that other person who was supposed to be your “friend”. Years later, how can you even consider giving someone else that pain? You still remember how painful it was – not merely petty emotional pain, it was real, tangible, you could even see it.


Your heart and your head are not two opposing forces; they are two parts of you that is God given for a reason. Use them both. Be wise. Be thoughtful. Be merciful. Even if it means that it might be closing the door to something great. You are better than that. Be better than that. No matter how many times you go back to those pages, they will always display one despairing truth; a truth that you already knew beforehand. Accept it. Thank the Lord for the awakening, then do the right thing. Appreciate the brief butterflies sent your way, and be thankful for that. As small a gift, as brief and unpromising, it was still a gift. Whatever reason it was sent to you, be thankful for it. Perhaps it is one of those “hidden blessings” you’ve heard of.


I know you will still look back on what has happened, and ask yourself “why even bother?” Go ahead..ponder upon it. Dwell on it, if you wish. But do not let it blind you from the other blessings showered upon you. This is merely a sprinkling. You have great things in store for you. Great things to plan. Great adventures to have. Great conquests to master. Focus on those. Move forward.

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