Wednesday 5 February 2014

Bedbug detectors and revelations (of sorts)

Don't ask me why, but I found myself in a hardware store. I guess it's cuz Imma hunky dude..I'm a hot hunky dude in a hardware store looking at duct tape and brass chains. Yeaaaa...


But I was  in a hardware store, going back and forth between aisles trying to figure out how things were organized, because they didn't seem to be at all. I saw all the American brand stain removers, which, is crazy expensive. Doesn't matter because I don't think I'll be scrubbing any filthy house parts any time soon.

Being in a hardware store has some charm to it. Now, at least, I know some of the car oils on the shelves and how to choose/use them.

I bought a new can of pepper spray because the old one was old and should probably have been changed many moons ago.

I also bought a pack of microfiber towels (err... this will take a few months for you to get the tail end of things).

I spent almost an hour in there, going back and forth, trying to educate myself on the various things one could find in a hardware store.

Not interesting? Of course not!

This hardware store had a few male employees (duhhh...) and what attracted me to them was not their was their conversation.

At first, I wasn't tuning in at all, but between bath salts (why on earth would a hardware store sell bath salts?) and tile cleaner, I heard one of them singing!

Oh, I sing as well. In the shower, when I (think)'m alone at home, in the car,.. no harm in that. But, he (the employee) was singing to his buddy! Ah-ha! Immediately I wonder what it was..because he wasn't just singing to pass the time while some lost crazy hunky dude roamed their store..noooo. He was making a point to his friend. As in, he was telling his friend something, and he was reinforcing his point by singing a song! A religious song, at that.

Now, I'm no religion-a-phobe, but this struck me as rather bizarre. What is it that they were talking about that led up to him singing this excerpt to his esteemed colleague? I didn't stop to eavesdrop or anything, mostly because I realized I didn't have matter where I was in the store (given that it was quite a big store), I could hear at least one of them speaking.

So aside from pilfering with knobs and radiator fluid, I listened in and realized it was their very own in depth discussion. They were sharing views of their faith (I assume they were all one of the same faith), interpreting ideologies, and retelling historical religious pinnacles..and at times, if the need (or opportunity) arose, they would include songs. Most enlightening!

Again, I'm not particularly disturbed (ok, I felt a bit heat-y all of a sudden), but I couldn't help but wonder: do they do this everyday? All day? Assuming they've been working together for quite a while, did they all come together under this great love for this type of discussion? Were they all apart of this wholeheartedly, or is it one of them that keeps bringing it up, forcing the others to join in out of sheer boredom (kind of the I-don't-really-want-to-hear-you-talk-so-let-me-talk-instead conversations).

I was so very curious, I asked the lady cashier if this was a daily occurrence. She sheepishly smiled yes. She said they would quickly dissipate should the boss arrive, but otherwise, yes, this is their normal daily conversation.

I wanted to ask so much. Do they know that much of their religion (in order to uphold such lengthy talks)? Do they go home an find out more for the next day's talk? Do they repeat things? Do they make stuff up?

I guess some questions will have to remain unanswered.

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