Tuesday 3 June 2014

Like a muffin rolling off the tray.

Today was a disturbing day.

Not bad.


Today was a disturbing day.


I have yet to come to terms with what it is that happened; so in the meantime, let me paw at other niggling thoughts that have been creeping up.




1.       Nu

“I’m at NuSentral”

“Oh, New Sentral is open! Where is it again?”

“No, not New Sentral, NuSentral. Nu.”


“No! Nu!”


“It’s called NUSENTRAL!”

“Yes, New Sentral. Where is it?”



Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrghhhhhh you dense dense human!!







2.       38

What are the odds of 38 people of the same despicable mentality being within the same vicinity of that given opportunity?





3.       No longer the “r” word


Line breaks: vola|tile

Pronunciation: /ˈvɒlətʌɪl/


1.      (Of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures: volatile solvents such as petroleum ether, hexane, and benzene

2.      Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse: the political situation was becoming more volatile

More example sentences

    • Nevertheless, the upside from oil prices is offset by their future unpredictability, with the volatile movements of this one global commodity determining how earnings may change.
    • As ordinary life becomes more volatile, insecure and unpredictable in various ways, people search for security in whatever ways they can muster.
    • The challenging nature of this scenario reflects the unpredictable and volatile world we live in, as well as the nature of our job.



tense, strained, fraught, uneasy, uncomfortable, charged, explosive, eruptive, inflammatory, turbulent, in turmoil, full of upheavals

informal hairy, nail-biting, white-knuckle

Britishinformal dodgy


3.      (Of a person) liable to display rapid changes of emotion: a passionate, volatile young man

More example sentences

    • Born in 1626 in Smyrna, Turkey, he was by all accounts a brilliant, charismatic if emotionally volatile man.
    • He may exercise professional restraint but in his formative years he was used to exhibiting a more volatile personality.
    • But this club, which has a strong lineup, improved rotation and deeper bullpen, is full of sometimes volatile personalities.



unpredictable, changeable, variable, inconstant, inconsistent, uncertain, erratic, irregular, unstable, turbulent, unsteady, unsettled, unreliable, undependable, changing, ever-changing, varying, shifting, fluctuating, fluid, mutable, protean, fitful, wavering, full of ups and downs; mercurial, capricious, whimsical, fickle, flighty, giddy, impulsive, wayward, temperamental, highly strung, excitable, emotional, overemotional, fiery, moody, choleric, stormy, tempestuous, volcanic

informal blowing hot and cold

technical labile

rare fluctuant, changeful


4.      (Of a computer’s memory) retaining data only as long as there is a power supply connected.

More example sentences

    1. When a compromised system is powered off, important information or evidence stored in volatile memory may be lost.
    2. It just so happens that adding charge is one of the requirements of volatile memory, like DRAM.
    3. These attacks attempt to gain access to the secrets stored in volatile and non-volatile memories.



(usually volatiles)

  • A volatile substance.

More example sentences

    • Methyl acetate had the highest mean peak height of the selected volatiles, followed by acetic acid and then acetaldehyde.
    • Although the RAS gave off higher concentrations of volatiles than those measured in the nosespace analysis, the ratios of flavour compounds were similar.
    • Several chemical techniques will detect explosives or their volatiles even at the trace levels found in and above the soil where they are buried.




Pronunciation: /-ˈtɪlɪti/


More example sentences

·         This separation creates the potential for high financial volatility at the same time as sluggish economic growth.

·         Hedge funds are often named as the culprits when financial markets go through periods of volatility.

·         We live in an age of unprecedented voter volatility, where political attitudes can be transformed overnight.


Middle English (in the sense 'creature that flies', also, as a collective, 'birds'): from Old French volatil or Latin volatilis, from volare 'to fly'.


4. Speak louder!!


5. An example when looking sharp and spewing confidence can't cover up for not bringing in the most obvious of documents!


6. I want cake.



Ok, now I can't stop thinking of cake..

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