Thursday 5 June 2014

At your age, and you still don't have (fill in the blank)?

People forget; that generosity isn't just about reaching into your pocket and handing out that crumpled dollar bill.
Generosity is beyond writing out that cheque and signing it off as "goodwill".
Generosity comes in many shapes and forms.
Why do people place more value on form over the other?
Generosity is also giving that seat to the old grandma in the bus.
Generosity is also sharing your sandwich with your hungry sibling.
Generosity is also letting the lady whose bladder is giving up on her cut the queue at the toilet.

People also forget that they are the receiving end of generosity.
They focus on what they do not have, or haven't gotten.
Then they forget that they were already given so much.
What do they choose to do with what they have already been given?
Do they take it for granted, squander it off, or leave it unused?
Do they undermine the use of what has been given to them?
Why, then, should they be given anything more?

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