Tuesday 1 April 2014

On being grateful

I am overwhelmed.


I have people in my life who have seen me. You don’t understand. They have seen me. And they know of me; enough to support me, instead of putting me down.

It’s indescribable.  I feel empowered; I feel like I can.

It is still my two clunky feet taking the steps, still my own clammy two hands lifting the weight. But for once, I feel like I can.

Not because I have people helping me out (I am much grateful that I have a few of those as well), not because I have people ready to cushion my fall, not because I have guards who will ward off the monsters away from me.

But right now, I feel like I can because there are others who believe I can. On my own, I can. They acknowledge my deep thought, and accept my layered reasoning. Most importantly, they support me. They don’t place little pebbles of doubt, for they know I am wise enough to have thought those through. They don’t try to frazzle me with fear, because they know that that was the first demon I battled. They do not try to dishearten me with inhibitions, for they know that I was long before weighed down by those.

Instead, they make me feel able, wanted, and most of all,…..



I feel like I matter.

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