Sunday 4 January 2015

A foolishness has occurred.

I saw one of these lying round

And decided to have a go at it.


After gripping the handles, I quickly realized that a fair amount of balance was required to manoeuvre the thing. Balance that apparently I did not possess.

Not only that, despite having seen (ok, mostly on TV) other people using the thing, I suddenly couldn't figure out how to position myself.

Finally, I got it to roll, but I felt it was far too easy. I guess I was doing something wrong. Exercise is not meant to be easy.

So I backed up my knees, gripped the handles once more, and pushed forward.

I couldn't get up.

There I was, lying face-planted to the mat, hands stuck to the handles, and apparently it was impossible to roll myself back up. It was equally impossible to let go of the handles.

In other words, I was stuck!

I tried several times to figure out which muscles I was supposed to use to enable myself to roll back up.

No success.

Finally, one of my hands let slip, and I was able to roll onto my back.

To my absolute horror, a small group of concerned people had gathered around me.

I couldn't help it.

I burst into unstoppable guffaws.

Not the cute-sy "oh, pardon my foolishness" kind of giggle.

No, I full on just laughed.

The kind of laugh you laugh when you did something...

Like spilt milk and were caught trying to hide the evidence.

As I was laughing, I just looked at the people in the eyes. One person after another.
As I gathered my towel and belongings.

I then rolled away out of sight.

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