Monday 4 May 2015

I dreamed a dream in cheese....

I dreamt that a friend was talking to the office we used to work together at. Of course, because dreams are dreams, the office didn't look quite the same as how it actually is.

As we talked, she had a pack of cheese with her. Unopened. Cheddar cheese. Not the usual 5-slice type. This was much bigger than that.

As we were talking, somehow I opened her pack of cheese, and took a slice. The cheese slices were in a carton; which is again a sign that this was a dream because cheese in my country is not sold in cartons.

For some bizarre reason, I convinced her that that cheese was not hers, but in fact, mine. Bear in mind this was not a friend who generally minded sharing a little bit of food with another friend.

Eventually that friend left, to attend to work. So I set out to buy her a new pack of cheese. I searched high, I searched low; for a pack of cheese to give my friend Flo.

But a pack of cheese I couldn't this very friend, I had to leave behind.

The end.

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