Thursday 3 July 2014

Office mugs.

So the story goes that this girl had a favorite mug at the office. It was hers. She brought it to the office, used it every day; sometimes more than once. She was used to the idea of using that mug whenever she was in the office. It was a comfort to her to know that every time she wanted something to drink, that mug was hers for the taking. She got used to how the ceramic felt on her lips, how the cartoon character would look back at her when she put down the mug, and how it fit perfectly on the coaster at her work station.
Bottom line is, she loved that mug.
But then, all was lost when the fire nation attacked….
Err…..wrong line.
But then, the mug was lost when the fire nation attacked.
What fire nation? There was no fire nation. Someone obviously took it. It wasn’t that big of an office and everyone knew that was her mug. When she says everyone, she means everyone!!! Even the boss knew better than to use her mug. It was her mug! Who would take it?
She would not take this quietly. She conducted investigations. Questioned suspects. Interviewed potential witnesses. No person was left un-spoken to, no stone nor file left unturned. She was going to find her mug. It was her mug!
When she said no person left unspoken to, she meant it. The cleaning lady, the man who occasionally came in to spray for termites, the computer technician who came in twice a year also got a call from her. She even asked That Woman.
They had never gotten along, those two. For some reason, they could not find a co-existential equilibrium. There was never a particular outburst or outright argument, but they had a sort of cold spat going on.
I’ll spare you the suspense. She never found that mug. Try as she did, she never found that mug; and soon she found herself (in no particular relation acknowledgeable to her conscious self) moving on to a different company; sans-mug.
She had other mugs, but they never quite meant to her what that first mug did. It was her first workplace, and that mug came to be a symbol of her landing her first job. But it was gone. She had to move on. Eventually, she found herself changing jobs yet again. Whether or not this was a result of her not having that mug in her possession, no one will ever know. Fact is, mug wasn’t with her anymore. Fact also is, she had changed jobs twice afterwards. Whether those two fact had any correlation to each other is entirely for the assuming mind to concoct.
Fast forward to the present day, she is at work, scrolling through her News Feed.
And she sees it.
Her mug.
THAT mug.
It was right there, in the hands of…………………………………………
That Woman.
But how?
She had asked, and That Woman had said no, she didn’t know anything about the disappearing mug. But here it was, That Woman was holding it, smiling at the camera as she took the selfie with her mug.
They weren’t even friends! As in, Facebook friends. They had initially been friends, but after cold-spatting each other on social media whilst they were colleagues made some sort of distorted sense, she felt that after she quit that job she had best remove That Woman from her friend list; and she did! So how did this atrocious selfie with that incriminating piece of evidence creep up onto her Facebook?
Some say it was the stars aligned.
Some say it is the hand of truth and justice.
Some say it is an act of God.
Some say, it is Facebook’s shitty privacy settings that put your pictures onto unfriended people’s News Feeds just because a mutual friend commented on it.
Choose to believe whichever you wish.
Easily said, she was quite pissed to see her beloved mug in the hands of all people, That Woman. What was she, taunting her with that picture?
Imagine that all these years, That Woman had kept away that mug, waited for her to quit, then when she least expected it, posted this taunting photo of herself with that stolen mug.

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