Saturday, 2 November 2013

It’s important to have that in between.


    I'd wait at the sidelines, while you whizzed around and around. It would be hot and I'd get sticky and icky. I'd buy a cool soda and sip it quietly under the cool shade. You'd walk up to me and I'd look up at you. I'd smile and tell you how much you stink. You'd tell me I'm the one whose mouth needs a washing. I'd punch you in the arm and take a sip of my soda.



    I slept lightly, waiting for you to call. It was you who wanted to go there. It was your affair. Doesn't it make sense that you are the one who should initiate contact? Not enough that I'm giving up my time for you, doesn't it occur to you to make sure that I too have a good time? Why am I dumped with all these expectations of what you want? Make up your mind. Tell me what you want, or what you need. Ask me what is most convenient for me. Is that so hard to figure out?

    I waited the whole of yesterday and this morning for you to make arrangements; out of which you didn't. Then you ask where I am and I'm like, wth??? You didn't tell me I had to go there. You didn't tell me you wanted me to bring you there. What do you expect me to do? I'm already giving up my precious sleep time for you, for something you want, and then you expect me to read your mind and know what you expected of me?



    You'd be tapping on your computer, frowning at the screen. I'd come up from behind and ask you what you're doing. You'd mumble some distant answer, and tilt your head slightly back so it's closer to me. I'd bury my face in the curve of your neck and mumble back. We spend several minutes just mumbling at each other. I'd ask if you wanted a drink, your face would light up and nod to me, yes. I'd look at you and say you should go get it then. You'd reach back and pinch me at the waist.



    Seriously, enough with the emotional blackmail. What sort of idiot do you take me for, after all these years of you employing the same tactics to string me along and make me go with your schemes, do you honestly expect me to still fall for it? You think I don't know how you plant those seeds so he'll say those things? You want me there, then you give me incentive to be there. And I'm not talking about all the material crap. I can provide those for myself. If you have nothing but material comforts to offer, then you have nothing to offer me. Therefore, unless you specify exactly what you expect of me, then I'm just going to pretend I don't know what you want and ignore your existence.










I'll just curl up and die here, thank you very much.

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