Friday 10 May 2013

The Death of Hector.

On the outskirts of the city our hero is brought home
Cold, lifeless, and deformed.
They sing for him the tunes of grief
Of a dearly departed and beloved long gone.
Their voices pierce through the silence and cuts through
Each soul of mortal flesh.
The grief and sadness envelopes the city
And the songs carried by their tunes sing of
Love and hearts torn to pieces.
Of hope flying through the windows and into the abyss.

Yet, in the high castle our hero’s wife remains in oblivion.
She stirs the hot baths and breathes in the scented oils
She grips through the bath salts and hums a tune of solace
Oh happy days when her husband would hold her in his strong arms
And no danger of the world could possibly rip her away
For she was protected in his arms
Of his loving arms
She inhales the moist airs and lets out a contented sigh.
Soon he will be home and she will rush to his side
Place her soft palms against his rugged face,
Kiss him softly and his war-ridden paws would rise to her slender waist.
 He pulls her close.
The bath is ready and our princess stands to exit the bath chambers

But the doors are opening.
Her eyes flutter to see who enters
Her heart jumps in hopes it is the return of her beloved.
A smile creeps up to her face and joy rises in her spine.
But she who enters is the chambermaid.
“My Lady,” her words meaning nothing, but her tone giving away everything.
The bath salts scatter to the floor as our princess’ hand flies to grip the edge of the bath.
The chambermaid stands at the door
No words escape her
No words need to.
Our princess and the chambermaid hold each other’s gaze for a moment.
The princess searching for that tinge of hope that it is not what it is
The chambermaid at a loss for words
But the truth need not be spoken.
For death hung in her eyes.
The death of a great hero.
Our princess tries to breathe deep
She tries to steady her breath
Her eyes start to swell and her mouth opens,
But no words come out
Just another second, please.
Just one more.

She begs to the air as she tries to gather her will.
The chambermaid, her face as white and frozen as ice
She knows.
She allows her Lady to have one moment.
One more precious moment
 To be in that world.
One where she did not have to be afraid
One where she had a loving husband to await for
One where there was hope of his return.
Our princess can hold her tears back no more.
Hot tears roll down her beautiful cheeks
As the words sink in.
I am a widow now.
My husband has died at war.
My children will no longer have a father.
My chambers will no longer have company.

No words are spoken.
And no words need be said.

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