It’s a nice, fat, fluffy cat
with padded paws and a small little jaw.
It’s a fluffy and soft, purring cat
With two spots on his head
You’d want to hug him instead.
Chubby drumsticks instead of thighs
He plods into a room and lights up your eyes
He’s the most tubbiest, fluffiest, fat cat.
He has greatest purpose in his life.
Yet he’s never seen with a knife.
To find the best nap spot in the house
To dream away of finding a mouse.
Sometimes he tucks away in the bookshelf
Sometimes he keeps the cool toilet to himself
Sometimes it’s a sunny spot in the backyard
But only on days when he’s not on guard.
Oh he makes such a wonderful guard
He’s rewarded with off-duty time
Which is no less than 7 days a week
But nothing about him is meek.
Mention “fat” and he lifts his head
Mention “short” and he glares at you.
Apologize, quick! Or he walks away.
To the sunny spot or the bookshelf or the toilet
He loves belly rubs, and the occasional head pat..
But most of all he loves cuddles on a stormy night
His thick coat of fur kept him from knowing when it rained
He plods across the lawn wondering why the others are
running home
He tries to jump through the gates but gets stuck in the
middle every time
He enters and claims fresh fish for din-dins and noms
He curls up to dry himself then beg for cuddles.
He’s warm, fluffy, and stout…
The picture of perfection.
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