Monday, 15 April 2013

Origins. It matters.

I’m very sorry to say but I have very little tolerance for flimsy characters. Those who sway for the wrong reasons and stand fast on pathetic ground. I believe that a credible person should have their own opinion; be it same or different from others; it should still be based on their own beliefs. It’s very apparent when certain people lack the capability to process, understand and formulate their own opinions then rely on what others have fed onto them. It makes a great difference (to me) whether you don’t take alcohol because you choose not to or because mummy says it isn’t good for you. I can respect the first, but you lost my respect at “mummy says”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for love and respect towards your parents and all that, but to see a full grown adult unable to give a better explanation so as to why they make certain choices other than “so-so says I shouldn’t” is just unforgivably ignorant. Either you are to lazy to think of a better explanation or all your years growing up you did it for the mere sake of growing up. It stops human evolution when you resort to giving these ignorant excuses. “I won’t stay out late (even though I live 3,000km away from her) because mummy says I must be home by 10.” So, if I had to convince you to stay out for a final year project, am I expected to argue against your sacred “mummy”? It’s damn straight irritating when these people lay it out as if it’s the ultimate reason for anything. Are you not intelligent enough to think of your own reasons for not staying out late? Or did “mummy” convince you that she’ll do all the thinking for you so that all you have to do is parrot back all these instructions she’s embedded in you.

Oh no, it doesn’t stop there. There’re the ones that level up from that. The ones whose parents have convinced them that their (the parents’) thoughts are those of their own. Then these people go about giving flimsy reasons for making certain choices and throw themselves about as if that is the only way to live simply because that is the only way the were taught to comprehend and accept. Greater than that, these are the exact people who carry themselves in a holier-than-thou attitude as if they and they alone hold the correct keys to life. Again, these people are impossible to argue against or learn from because whatever it is they “believe” in is merely a regurgitation of what they were trained to believe. These people lack something called common sense. I mean, I understand a 5-year-old that needs to be told not to stay out late, a 16-year-old that needs to be told not to drink, a 10-year-old that needs to be told not to eat candy bars before dinner time. But at 20 if you can’t figure out for yourself whether staying out past 3am is advisable, or if spending 80% of your income on sprucing up your ride is appropriate, or if posting your inner laments on social networking reflects well on your character, then go flush your head down a toilet please.

It makes a difference whether you apply for sick leave because you are sick or because your mother says you are too sick to go.

It makes a difference whether you choose to live with your parents because you are the only child who can take care of them well, or because you just plain never thought or had the opportunity to leave.

It makes a difference whether you quit your job because you couldn’t cope with the stress or because your boyfriend isn’t happy that you aren’t spending weekends with him.

The end result may be the same, but the reason why you made that choice says a lot about your character.

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