Sunday, 21 April 2013


Show me how to fight for now. Shine the light for me for all I can see is darkness. I can hold up my fists clenched tight, but for not it shall be unless I can see the demons I am fighting. Push me through to the face of that evil I have not yet come to recognize. It matters nothing now whether my eyes are closed or wide open. I can see nothing. No one can see me.

Deep breath. Heart pounding.

I don’t want to lose you now. Not when I cannot guide my own safe journey. Not when I cannot bear to send you off, be it to your doom or to a greater bliss. Not now, when my fists are clenched high and tight facing a demon I know nothing of. His scent may be pungent, putrid, and yet still draw me forward. I brace my feet to the ground. I feel him close.

Heart pounding, eyes tight.

I’m looking right at the other half of me. You are my demon. You are what I am fighting for; you are what I am fighting against. You are everything I stand for, and you are everything that brings me to the ground. I am the only one to bring you to your knees, but now you are the one to bring me to mine.

Eyes tight, forehead creased.

You’re staring back at me, and I’m staring at you. Our fingertips meet. I hold up my fists ready for you. Legs planted into a stance. I gaze deep into your eyes, looking for a sign of fear. I look for you. I look for that separation that tells me when I end and where you start. I can’t find it. I drop my head once again.


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