Sunday, 15 December 2019

Mom's coming for you

Forgive them, for they know not.
Teach them, love them, and be close to them.
Show the best example that you can.
Let them see the beauty in the guided way of life.
Let them see it through you.
And if He has blinded their eyes, then pray for them
Pray for His mercy towards them.
Pray for His mercy in your failure to guide them.
You are strong. You are the chosen one.
Living a life looking for that one soul
Here – the Lord has gifted you with many.
Will you turn your cheek when He has gifted you
With the greatest of trials and tribulations
With a fight you know will give you that chance of heaven.
Forgive them, for they are lost.
Give them maps, directions, markings on the earth.
But do not allow yourself to give up.
Do you not see this great gift being thrust upon you?
Do you not see that without this pain,
The change would not have started.
The Lord loves you, therefore find it in you to love them.
All of them.
When you feel weak, pray to Him.
For He has the power to change their hearts.
Believe in His grace.
Believe in His wisdom.
Believe that He will not test you beyond what is capable of you.
He wants you to return.
Come back to the lighted path full of thorns and rubble.
See the beauty in each painful step.
He wants you in His garden.
Perhaps you’ll see those little feet running up to you.
In the name of the Lord, most beneficent, most merciful.
Let the first step begin.

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