Technology has hastened time. It makes time seem to go by faster. The modern man constantly complains of not having enough time. Even children moan and groan that they just don't have enough time. In order to run these faulted technology, we need the magical power of electricity. Cut off the electricity, and we are forced back to our archaic ways. But wait! Most modern technology comes with ample stored power (a.k.a the "battery") so just cutting off the electricity for a few hours wouldn't totally spiral us back to the caveman days. But it is enough for us to feel that slightly slowed down movement of time. If you're fortunate enough to be in the vicinity of others, you may enjoy the first few moments of
"Is the electricity out?"
"Is it just our house?"
*looks out the dusty previously untouched window*
"Nope. Whole block's out"
*resumes staring at gadget*
You wait for a few awkward moments, thinking that the power will come back on shortly (hopefully before your battery runs out). When it becomes apparent that it won't be coming on for a while, you have the continuation of the previous rare conversation
"so…what do we do for light"
"I think I have some candles somewhere"
"Why do you have candles?"
"They're aromatherapy candles, ok? They smell nice and stuff"
*Scrambles towards the room the said candles are most likely to be in using the lights of afore mentioned gadgets*
"Ok, got them."
Now here's where you'd kick yourself if you didn't have one of the below:
- Matches (well you did have candles…?)
- Somebody who smokes (so he'd probably have a lighter)
- A gas stove (I mean, fat lot of good an electric stove would have in this situation)
"Ok, candles are lit. Be careful with these."
*Awkwardly sits in the dim lighting staring at each other. Resumes staring at gadgets*
Just out of curiosity, put down those gadgets. Turn off that tv you're not watching. Plug out the earphones from your waxy ears, put away all the gadgets. Look around you. What else do you have to do? What else do you have? If you manage to summon the willpower to tear away from all the modern technology, then good for you.
Don't get me wrong; I'm as fond of gadgets and gizmos as the next person, but I'm glad that most of the time, I can just set it all away and look at life, look at people, look at those little things that nobody bothers with anymore. Not too long ago I made a vow to do the following:
- When eating a meal with another person, I will not take out my phone (or any other device for the matter).
- Cut down social media to the bare essentials (hereby defined as interaction with those of great physical distance from me)
- Enjoy the scenery and food fist hand; not through the lens of a camera.
- Pay attention to people when they talk to me (which also means, NO taking out phones)
Occasionally I feel that pang of regret that I have not much proof of the greatest years of my life; but if that other person is more inclined at learning about it via touch screen, then perhaps they don't deserve to learn about it at all. It's sad; how there are so few meaningful conversations that pass between people. They are convinced that seeing it on a screen is "better".
Well, tapping away at my very own screen, I'm not entirely pure of this time-sucking evil. All I'm saying is, perhaps if we set aside the technology, just for a while, we would gain some of that time we so strongly cry out for.
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