Monday, 9 January 2012

So many things, so little time.

Sir Rant-A-Lot has been called upon in the 6 episode battalion that shall determine whether he wins the War of Figures. Though Sir Rant-A-Lot is in knowledge of the importance of each episode, he cannot forage the strength needed to fight the battles. he tries to train, preparing his swords and shield for each battle. Yet somehow, the green ogre slips into the crevices of Sir Rant-A-Lot's mind and sprinkles sleeping powder and


Sir Rant-A-Lot falls asleep yet again.

With a new empire to conquer, it is of the question of time whether Sir Rant-A-Lot will manage to seek his new kingdom whilst juggling his new duties as the Keeper of the Beep. To those who have not been blessed to live in a life that includes Sir Rant-A-Lot, here is a brief recap:

Sir Rant-A-Lot gets a call to demonstrate his powers of Persuasion and meets Ol Yee of the Trust.
Ol Yee of the Trust declares Sir Rant-A-Lot shall commence as the Keeper of the Beep, yet Sir Rant-A-Lot asks to return and slumber upon the thought. Also to consult the Council Members. Ah, Sir Rant-A-Lot is thankful that the Council Members (Buttered Toast, Smiley Walk and Flyaway) agree. Yet Sir Rant-A-Lot holds back, not yet sending the pigeon of news to Ol Yee of the Trust.

Sir Rant-A-Lot faces the first episode of the War.
Episode 1: The Battle of the Bladder, Green Ogre & Potato People.
Alas for Sir Rant-A-Lot, in his fight against the three, only of the Bladder can be won. And so he does. Yahahahahaha Sir Rant-A-Lot is indeed great. Yet the true battle, is the one fought without the swords and shields. It is the one of the mind and the pen. As Sir Rant-A-Lot stares blankly at the parchment lain in front of him, he wishes vehemently that he has trained harder, pushed himself further, and fought harder in the battle against the green ogre. Though Sir Rant-A-Lot had sufficient to say, he fears that it would not suffice to give him the boost he so desires.

As fate would have it, at the moo of the cow that signifies the end of round 1, Sir Rant-A-Lot takes a peek at the magic teller. AH!! another calling!! This time by the foreknown Plump Ice Chewer whom Sir Rant-A-Lot has afor vowed never to serve again. Sir Rant-A-Lot ponders, heart racing, if he should shun his own feelings and return to the Land of the Chasers. This is a call for a Council meeting!!

what happens next?? we shall see my doves, we shall see...tune in to the next episode my invisible doves!!

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