Monday, 14 March 2011

...sure, I'm the bad guy..

So yesterday I get up bright and early for a day out with my DLB (decade long beloved)..might I mention here that work 6 days a week, hate waking up early in the morning & it's a SUNDAY????


I get up, get dressed & walk out the door at 8.15am, catch the bus over to KL where DLB greets me 15minutes late (Read: an eternity) but nvm, we go out to McD for my promised big breakfast and somehow manage to spend almost two hours just having breakfast. Then, off to Lot 10, Bintang Walk, Sungai Wang, Pavillion and finally Times Square.. a lot to cover in a day considering me & DLB could spend a whole day just shopping for groceries at Tesco.

So I come home, 10 something at night, tired as can be..knees wobbling and body aching, but I straight away start cooking for tomorrow's lunch. I fill my water bottle and take the electric kettle to boil water to refill the jug and..........................


water spews out of the kettle and floods my tiny kitchen. Great. I leave the house for ONE day and I end up with a broken kettle. Thanks homies...

of course, no one admits they were the last ones to use it, so as I am washing my rice I think of the best way to settle the problem..

So I say to them "Since I wasn't anywhere near the house the whole day and the kettle was obviously fine the night before, it can only mean that it got broken while I was gone. Now i don't want to point fingers or side with anyone as it just isn't here's how we'll settle it. Between the three of you who were here the whole day, discuss and find a conclusion amongst yourselves so as to how and who is going to replace my kettle. All I want to know is that it is replaced."

And now, two out of the three are in non-speaking mode with me.

So let's get the facts straight:

I own the kettle.
The kettle was used while I wasn't around.
I wasn't around to break the kettle.
I refuse to buy a new one.
I refuse to hear the whole "she said, he said" debacle
I want my kettle replaced.

So obviously, (in light of the silent treatment I am currently receiving) I am in the wrong..

Agreed, people??

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