Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Memories of Chablahah

Remember this day.
Remember this date.
The darkened room you entered, the dishes you washed.
The milk you stored.
The vibrations in the background.
The hurried steps you made across the hall.
The rice you washed and cooked.
The rice container was almost empty. Remember that.
Your hurried glances to make sure your chores weren’t a disturbance.
Remember the joy you felt at being able to do these trivial, menial chores.
You looked around for what else you could do.
Remember this day.
Remember this date.
For whenever you feel tired and useless, remember this date.
Whenever you feel like giving up, remember this day.
It was late evening.
Remember the bowls of rice that were about to be taken to the dining table.
Remember the pot of hot soup on the stove.
Remember the disarray of clothes on the floor.
Remember the wordless moments.
The silence.
Remember it.
This is important.
She told you to be strong. You must be strong.
And to be strong, you must remember.

Of principles and disciples

She asked: Do I have to forgive him?
Well, the answer is no, you do not. At least, people can tell you to do so, but whether or not you do will always be up to you. It is a mind/heart matter. You can keep knocking on a thousand doors, and each time you will hear “Forgiveness is the righteous path”. Yes, you can keep knocking doors hoping you’ll find that one that says “Leave. Walk out with your head held high”

She whispers: ..I want to. I really really  want to. I wish I could. *her head hangs low*
But what?
Forgiveness is the easier path. You bury the mistakes, never mention it again and hope for the best. Your life continues on the same path that you were on. Nothing really changes, except how you feel.
She purses her lips, and mutters: Does it really matter then, how I feel?
Of course it does.
But to whom?
When we talk of punishments, of suffering, of pain, of crime, being forgiven comforts the perpetrator. They say it should bring closure and calm to the victim. Does it? It should, shouldn’t it? Living a life with a grudge hangs on and weighs you down. It does nothing to the perpetrator.
It does nothing.
Unless, you have a plan. An action plan. A plan that you are willing to follow through.
And that, is the hard part.
A lot of work, surely.
So the question is, do you put in effort towards forgiveness and acceptance, or do you put in effort towards leaving.
It’s in your hands. Choose wisely.