Wednesday, 9 November 2011

If you thought I couldn't be more ridiculous..

Ok, so maybe getting over Buttered Toast isn’t that easy. Especially not after what we shared..I mean, this IS butter we’re talking about. That hot, melted butter on a crisp piece of toast..that first burst of taste in your mouth on a cold rainy afternoon…ooooohhh it’s to die for!!!

But now, Buttered Toast has Jam..and it seams like I’m stuck with Pancake. Pancake’s nice, fluffy and soft..but somehow to make it that much delish, it needs BUTTER!!! Ooh how I wish I could have butter on my Pancake..unfortunately, Pancake has no least, non that I can tell of.

So how do I get over Buttered Toast when over and over again it was I who always said that it would be over soon. Maybe an undelivered letter would help.

Dear Buttered Toast,
Though I know what we shared has come to an end, and I always knew that it would…it still lingers in me the feelings that you gave me..a feeling that not many Breakfasts have been able to give.
I do not wish we could keep things the way they were. You are in no way good for my health..yet the best things usually aren’t, right?

Now I see you enveloping Jam, knowing that Buttered Toast was indeed made to be with Jam..I still feel a twinge of sadness. Perhaps I now feel what I have been trying to escape when I was with you. I now feel old again…

Someday, Buttered Toast, I vow you shall be nothing but a mere distant memory to me. But til that day comes, I still hunger for you….


Sunday, 6 November 2011

I have a problem. (Oh don’t you always, Sir-Rant-A-Lot?)

I don’t like this new cat that came into the family. I mean, Salem was getting pretty cool before this new cat Morgana came along. Ok, so she’s cute, real pretty I mean,.has a good sense of style and is quite friendly. But somehow I just can’t seem to warm up to her. Or rather, she kind of refuses to warm up to me. I guess it’s one of those diva complexes where we’re both competing to be God knows what.

I also kind of feel like she’s taken Salem away from me. Salem and I weren’t very close in the first place, but there were those occasional times, especially after he got rid of his cancer, where I could depend on him to be there for me. I mean, even Sir-Rant-A-Lot needs a cuddle buddy at times.
Now this new cat’s lying at my feet, and I just can’t bring myself to be the chirpy happy welcoming Sir-Rant-A-Lot that I am with her..she somehow manages to shut me out and Sir-Rant-A-Lot is definitely not the type to grovel for affection. Especially when it’s from a cat by the name of Morgana.

Grr….curse you Morgana!!!! Why must thou hath cometh and taketh away from Sir-Rant-A-Lot her Salem???!!!

Friday, 4 November 2011

This is NOT good...

Ok, Sir-Rant-A-Lot has a steady special person. Let us name him "Pancake"...

Pancake is handsome, dependable, loving, kind, understanding bla bla bla...basically as close as you can get to a perfect match. Especially when the "you" here is Sir-Rant-A-Lot.

And yet.....

Sir-Rant-A-Lot has a fetish (controversy alert!!) ....and somehow no matter how Pancake tries to fulfill Sir-Rant-A-Lot's fetish he just can't...and for a long time Sir-Rant-A-Lot has been able to hold off the craving's yet eversince she met ....errr.....let us call him "Buttered Toast"...Sir-Rant-A-Lot has not been the's like there's nothing Pancake can do to rid Sir-Rant-A-Lot" of what the body is screaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaming for..
"Buttered Toast" has been an undescribable..I mean, I'm not talking the usual breakfast buttered toast here...I'm talking the kind that's thick and so buttery that you can feel your arteries being clogged and yet cuz there's this wonderful taste in your mouth, you just keep taking in more and more...while you know it'll kill you and you can't really live off of buttered toast, you still feel that lingering feeling of wanting more...(ok I'm ranting..)
"Buttered Toast" has been that to me and so much moooooreee..nothing emotional, just that pure ****** pull that makes you just crave just one more time..
Oh how I wish Pancake could do that to me...but then, it wouldn't be Pancake if it did...hum

Now, i find out "Buttered Toast" has new arteries to clog and I'm like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it's not like jealousy or anything, I mean I knew nothing would last between Sir-Rant-A-Lot and Buttered Toast...but well, when you get a taste of  the uh, pleasure Buttered Toast puts in you ...I mean your mouth,.you just can't help but wanting it all to yourself...and then you find out that it's no longer yours, I don't just feel, you know?

Oh Pancake, if only you could make me want more....

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

I got the moves like Jagger... song that's just stuck in my head nowadays...after "Love You Like A Love Song"

Menu for today:

  • Breakfast: Self-made choc muffins (brought enough for the whole class!!)
  • Lunch: Subway (today's special: Meatball Marinara)
  • Dinner: Home-made cucoq

............those concerned, BEWAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE of my cooking. My baking's fine, it's my COOKING that makes the people familiar break a sweat ...hahahaha

Tuesday, 1 November 2011*ok not so free...*

I'm a happy kitty now that the first round of tests are done..a few semesters back I would have been delighted to do tests than to have to prepare assignments and presentations. But ever since going through my practical training I gotta say I'm a changed bunny. (Ok, added to the fact that I now have AWESOME classmates..) I soooooo totally would rather spend hours discussing presentations and assignments..

Ok, booooooooooooooring...

So I come back home, kick back and let go a few zzz's...and it's time for muffin making!!! They turned out YUMMIlicious and can't wait to take 'em to class tomorrow..